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Kalee Voegtle
Elementary Principal/Curriculum Coach
Elementary School
Rachel Wattles
K - 12 Art
Elementary School
Dorinda Wheeler
Elementary Paraprofessional
Elementary School
Mariah Woodley
3rd Grade
Elementary School
Meagan Zastrow
4th Grade
Elementary School
Jamie Ashby
Secondary 1:1 Paraprofessional
Middle School
Jess Bedell
Secondary 1:1 Paraprofessional
Middle School
Haley Beurskens
Middle School Science
Middle School
Vickie Blomquist
Middle School Principal/Curriculum Coach
Middle School
John Camponeschi
Middle School Social Studies
Middle School
Carrie Kleckler
Middle Special Education
Middle School
Matt Linsacum
Secondary P.E.
Middle School
Valery Noll
Middle School Paraprofessional
Middle School
Rhonda St. Clair
Middle School Interventionist
Middle School
Kim Temple
Secondary Administrative Assistant
Middle School
Rachel Wattles
K - 12 Art
Middle School
Eric Wellman
Secondary Agriculture Science/CTE
Middle School
Hannah Willems
Middle School Math
Middle School
Kezia Zuber
Secondary Counselor
Middle School
Jamie Ashby
Secondary 1:1 Paraprofessional
High School