Health Services

News from the Nurse’s Office

My name is Anna Davis and I am excited to be offering health services for the 16th year at Hayden Valley Schools.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding your student’s health and wellness while in school. I’m excited to have Kylee Bowman as an addition to the health team weekly on Mondays and Tuesdays.  Kylee grew up in the valley and is a Hayden Alumni.  She has been a nurse for 10 years with 7 of those in pediatrics. Georgie Weber BSN, RN will be with us as a substitute, part-time. She has been a nurse for 6 years, all in the Yampa Valley.

Listed below are other reminders to ensure students’ medical needs are met during the 2024/2025 school year.

  • Students with a medical issue/health concern will be asked to complete a Health Care Plan to ensure the student’s safety while in school.

  • Students who require the use of any medication during school hours need to contact the health room staff or the school administrative assistant to complete the appropriate paperwork.

  • We have some students in the district with nut allergies and we are a NUT AWARE district. If your student is in a class with another student who has a known nut allergy we ask you to limit the use of nut products in that class.

  • If your student has a fever of 100 degrees or higher please keep them home from school until the temperature has resolved without the use of medication.  Students with a fever will also be sent home from school.  In addition, students who are vomiting or have diarrhea need
    to be excluded from school. If your student is sent home from school, they may not return for 24 hours after symptoms have subsided without the use of medication. In addition, if an ill student needs to be on antibiotics they must wait 24 hours after the first dose is given before returning to school.

  • It is HIGHLY encouraged that students sent home from school do not attend after-school events or extra-curricular activities.

  • Immunization records or exempt waivers are reviewed and need to be signed each school year.

  • Any student seeking personal exemption from vaccinations needs to complete a one-hour training through the CDPHE and provide proof of the training with the signed waiver. This is also to be done yearly. The training can be found at: School-required vaccine exemptions.

  • School attendance is very important for academic success.

  • Please help us keep our students and staff as healthy as possible. Encourage your student to drink plenty of water, eat a well-balanced diet, get adequate rest, wash hands often, and sneeze/cough into a tissue or elbow.

  • Refer to the following link on when to send an ill child to school.

How sick is too sick

COVID Information:

Thank you for your cooperation,

Anna Davis, BSN, RN, NCSN -School Nurse Coordinator

Kylee Bowman, BSN, RN – School Nurse

Georgie Weer, BSN, RN - School Nurse

Image of a woman with a cheerful expression wearing a blue shirt.

Anna Davis, RN, BSN, NCSN

School Nurse Coordinator

District Nurse

Email Anna Davis

(970) 276-3864 Ext. 4149

School Nurse

Kylee Bowman, BSN, RN

District Nurse

School Nurse

Georgie Weber, BSN, RN

District Nurse

Email Georgie Weber

Athletic Concussion and Orthopedic Return to Play Information

Vision/Hearing Update

 Vision and hearing screenings will be done on all elementary students, 7th and 9th grades. If your child does not pass the vision screening a referral will be sent home.  If your child does not pass the hearing screening they will be screened by the school audiologist.

Student Accident Insurance Information

Student Accident Insurance Application

Student Health Information Form