Board of Education

Ryan Wattles President

Ryan Wattles


Elected 11/2021 – Term Expires 2025

Email Ryan Wattles

Jody Camilletti Vice President

Jody Camilletti

Vice President
Appointed 3/2022 – Term Expires 2027
Email Jody Camilletti

Alicia Doolin Secretary

Alicia Doolin

Elected 11/2021 – Term Expires 2025
Email Alicia Doolin

Evan Fleming Treasurer

Evan Fleming

Appointed by Acclamation 11/2023 – Term Expires 2027
Email Evan Fleming

Katie Boyle Member

Katie Boyle

Appointed by Acclamation 11/2023 – Term Expires 2027
Email Katie Boyle

Board Information

Board Goals

Every board member will have “partially achieved” knowledge of the use of student achievement data to make decisions and have local standards above the state standards that reflect our community expectations for continuous improvement as identified in our UIP as measured by our self-assessment tool by April/May 2023.

Community Leadership
Every board member has “partially achieved” or higher knowledge of various ways to communicate as part of creating our communications plan and modeling the kinds of positive collaboration we expect to see in others as measured by our self-assessment tool by April/May 2023.

Governance Team Relationship
Every board member will participate regularly in professional development and respects all stakeholder’s views in a way that builds mutual trust and respect to make decisions that reflect the districts’ goals and priorities to support them fully as measured by our self-assessment tool by April/May 2023.