Welcome to Hayden Middle School, where excellence, innovation, and integrity are at the heart of everything we do. As your principal for the third consecutive year, I am thrilled to continue our journey towards academic excellence and holistic development.

Our goal is to provide rigorous academic programs that not only challenge our students but also prepare them for successful and fulfilling lives. We believe in fostering a love for learning that extends beyond the classroom, equipping our students with the skills and knowledge necessary for their future endeavors.

At Hayden Middle School, we have implemented a House system to enhance student engagement and promote a sense of inclusion. This system encourages collaboration, leadership, and camaraderie among students, creating a vibrant and supportive school community. We are proud of our strong partnerships with local organizations and community members. These partnerships enrich our educational programs and provide our students with diverse learning opportunities and real-world experiences.

Thank you for being a part of our family. Together, we will continue to strive for excellence, embrace innovation, and uphold the highest standards of integrity.

Warm regards,
Vicki Blomquist

vblomquist@haydenschools.org, 970-276-3761 ext. 2148