C3 Poster

C3 overview 2024/25

The C3 Advisory Program is a holistic initiative designed to foster a supportive and engaging environment for our HHS students. It aims to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in their academic, personal, and future professional lives. The program focuses on three core pillars: Community, Career Exploration, and Character Development.


  1. Community Building

    • Sense of Belonging: Create an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere where every student feels valued and connected.

    • Peer Relationships: Foster strong, supportive relationships among students through team-building activities and group projects.

    • School Spirit: Promote school pride and a sense of unity through organized events, clubs, and extracurricular activities.

  2. Career Exploration

    • Self-Discovery: Help students identify their interests, strengths, and potential career paths through assessments and reflective exercises.

    • Career Awareness: Provide exposure to various professions and industries via guest speakers, career fairs, and field trips.

    • Skill Development: Equip students with essential skills such as resume writing, interview techniques, and job search strategies.

  3. Character Development

    • Values and Ethics: Instill a strong moral foundation by discussing values such as integrity, respect, responsibility, and empathy.

    • Personal Growth: Encourage self-improvement and resilience through goal-setting, time management, and stress-reduction techniques.

    • Leadership: Cultivate leadership qualities by involving students in decision-making processes, community service, and mentorship opportunities.


  • Daily Sessions: A dedicated C3 period is held daily, providing a structured time for focused activities and discussions related to the three pillars.

    • Monday: 1-on-1 conference with the advisor to address academic and personal needs.  Students not meeting with the advisor at a given time can work on classwork, complete ICAP activities, or silent reading.

    • Tuesday: Circle Up: A group discussion on a predetermined topic or group need.  Discussions will range from personal to global and allow all students the opportunity to be heard and share their ideas and perspectives.

    • Wednesday: ICAP or Counseling Activities: ICAP (Individual Career and Academic Plan) activities focus on career exploration and post-secondary education opportunities.  

    • Thursday: Club Day/Assemblies/Community Days: All students will join a club at the start of each semester.  The clubs will be based on student interest and will be adjusted for each new semester.  In addition to club days, HHS will schedule all assemblies, Community days, or speakers on these days.

  • Advisory Groups: Small, diverse groups of grade-level students are paired with a faculty advisor who serves as a mentor and guide throughout the school year.


  1. Faculty Training: Advisors receive training on facilitation techniques, mentorship skills, and the program’s goals to effectively support their advisory groups.

  2. Curriculum Integration: The program’s themes and activities are integrated into the broader school curriculum to reinforce learning and consistency.

  3. Community Partnerships: Collaboration with local businesses, organizations, and alumni to provide students with real-world insights and opportunities.

Evaluation and Feedback

  • Student Feedback: Regular surveys and feedback sessions to gather student input and adjust the program accordingly.

  • Progress Tracking: Monitoring student development in the areas of community involvement, career readiness, and character growth through various assessment tools.

  • Continuous Improvement: Ongoing evaluation and refinement of the program based on feedback from students, faculty, and community partners.


  • Credit: Students will receive .25 credits each semester or .50 a year as a general elective

Grades will be based on participation and completion of activities